7-Day Journey




Day 1: Get To Know the Present Moment

Settle in, and begin to familiarize yourself with all the aspects of your present moment. Move through sensations, sounds, emotions, and thoughts. Get a feel for all that is here right now, in this very moment, and learn how to navigate your attention in a conscious way.

Day 2: What Do I Meditate On?

Dive a little deeper into your present-moment experience as you really get to know your inner and outer world as it is in this moment. In this guidance, you’ll explore how different senses can serve as possible anchors for your meditation practice.

Day 3: Feeling Your Body

On Day 3, we start to narrow in our attention to one focus range. Your object of attention is feeling into the ever-changing playground of physical sensation in the body. If you get pulled into thoughts, emotions, or sounds in your environment, you can practice bringing some equanimity here to let these distractions come and go in the background of your attention as you redirect your gaze back to the body.

Day 4: Focus on the Breath

On Day 4, we’ll zoom in a little more. Yesterday you explored any and all sensations of the body. Today we’ll narrow in to one specific body sensation that is always available to us and always new and changing: the breath.

Day 5: Waking Up From Thinking

On Day 5, learn to befriend your mind and reframe your meditation practice. Start to recognize all the ways that your thinking mind hooks your attention and start to enjoy the 1,000 moments of waking up that can happen in each practice.

Day 6: Gazing at Awareness

Welcome to Day 6! Today, we zoom out, drop any anchors of attention, and start to explore the flow of experience. Start to play with letting go of your anchor as you begin to identify with the awareness that is simply knowing experience moment by moment.

Day 7: The “Do Nothing” Meditation

Welcome to the final day! Congratulations on committing to 7 days of this beautiful, challenging, awakening practice – and on making it this far. As we round out this introductory journey, today is all about learning to let go of any effort-ing or striving in practice with this “technique of no technique”. Be light and playful and let go of what you think you’re supposed to do.